Smile makeovers: Aesthetically and Functionally

Smile makeovers: Aesthetically and Functionally

Dental aesthetics is responsible for providing harmony and beauty to the smile.

When we talk about a “beautiful smile”, we are referring not only to the denture but to three distinctive components that define it, and that must be taken into consideration:

The lips, gums and teeth.

A specialist in dental aesthetics will consider all the components of the patient’s face to achieve a correct harmony. Each person has a unique smile and oral health – a treatment plan for one patient is different to another.

There are some factors that dental professionals typically take into consideration during aesthetic treatment:
The size of teeth
The shape of the teeth
The skin tone
The hair colour
The tooth colour
The gum tissue and lips.

Smiling young woman. Cosmetological teeth whitening in a dental clinic. Selection of the tone of the implant tooth.

A beautiful smile plays a significant role in how people feel about themselves

While many people aren’t satisfied with the appearance of their smile, many are unaware that they can fix it with an aesthetic dentist. Aesthetic dentistry offers simple and effective procedures to completely transform the appearance of a patient’s smile, fixing major and minor imperfections.

To get the best outcome, carefully choose a qualified and specialized dentist to assist you in your needs.

Dr Sunil’s patient

A smile can make significant changes in a patient’s confidence and can change their life. Increased confidence in the patient smile means they’ll smile more often.
After a patient has undergone a smile makeover, the patient will observe that smiles come more often and feel comfortable.

Before a smile makeover, most patients cover their smile, thinking people are watching their teeth. After the treatment, patients feel comfortable smiling, laughing and enjoying themselves.

Smiling gives patients a boost of happiness

Have you ever heard the saying that the best way to make it through a bad day is to smile? Well, it turns out there’s a little truth to it!

Our brain associates smiling with happiness, so when you smile, your body releases endorphins, or ” the happiness hormones.”
The result won’t suddenly transform your day from bad to good, but it’ll give you a little boost of happiness that can help you make it through the day.

Fortunately, nowadays there are many ways that patients can quickly and easily improve their smile through aesthetic dentistry.

In order to get the most out of a smile makeover and achieve the smile you have always dreamed of, be sure to get a professional cosmetic smile assessment with a proven dental specialist who would choose the most appropriate treatment plan for you.