Does your organization use automated appointment reminders?

Make missed appointments a thing of the past with SMS reminders.

Appointments reminders are a quick way of ensuring your customers won’t forget about you and their appointments.

With many advances in technology across all healthcare in the last few decades, the use of electronic reminders has become increasingly prevalent.

Text messages are a convenient mode of communication that is widely used and can effectively reach a large population.

The bottom line is that reducing the number of missed appointments affects the clinic’s revenue significantly.

Studies have shown that missed appointments drop by 25% to 50% when an office implements an automated appointment reminder system.

Not only does this impact your finances, but it also means your patients will come in regularly, helping them maintain their health.

Even the most organized people can forget about an appointment from time to time.

Sending an automated reminder, the day before can help them remember that they have somewhere to be. It reduces the risk of an empty chair.

Gone are the days when you could write the appointment time on a business card and expect excellent attendance rates if such a time ever existed. 

With the rest of the world going paperless, patients may no longer have a physical place to put the card to help them remember. It will likely end up under a pile of junk mail.

Missed appointments cost time and money.

Change can be a challenge. It often seems unfamiliar and intimidating, but it does not have to be.

If your dental office has been doing things manually or you are using a barebones automation system, the idea of making a procedural switch can seem like a giant leap.

Fortunately, Salud Dental was designed to look and feel just like everyday apps used in our personal lives. Making it an easy adoption for end-users.

Our software is intuitive and easy to use design allows dentists to be dentists, focusing on the patient.

Appointment reminders can be easily set up. Salud also tracks all DNA’s and cancellations, so you can manage and reduce.

The Salud Team offer a full implementation service, including training and assistance every step of the way.

You will have an effective system that provides a unique experience for you and your patients long into the future.

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