Mental Health Impact on Students

Mental Health Impact on Students

The continuing spread of Covid-19 has presented many challenges for students and Universities worldwide.

Starting college or returning to classes can be stressful at the best of times, let alone during a global pandemic.

While the world continues to battle Covid-19, professionals are monitoring a growing crisis among young adults struggling with mental health problems, including suicidal ideation, anxiety and depression related to the pandemic.

The most common ways that COVID-19 has impacted a student’s life:

Resource: Active Minds.


According to students that participated in the Active Minds Survey, the most important things for their college committee to be thinking about in the short, and long term, for student mental health during and after the pandemic include:

  • Increased academic support
  • Increased investment in counselling
  • Having empathy, compassion, and communicating an understanding of what the world is experiencing
  • Applying safety measures to help to keep students and employees healthy and safe


Students life and college experience might be different in 2021 to previous years due to the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic.

However, staff are working hard to ensure that all students can begin and continue their studies without too much further disruption.

Students wearing masks while attending class at university.

Tips for students returning.

  • Ensure that you know where and how to access the academic supports provided at your college.
  • Find out what the institution is doing to make things as safe as possible.
  • Remind yourself that the current situation will not last forever and that any negative feelings should pass. 
  • Re-establish a routine.

No one knows exactly what the future will be like, but it is important to remember that these changes will not be forever.

Mind Your Mind.

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